I read football news. Not everyday, but every other week. I've read them yesderday afternoon. The sports sphere is abuzz with news about Jay Cutler debucle. Imagine my surprize (with jaw falling to the ground with a loud noise) when I discovered not more than three hours later that Da Bears actually aquired mr. Cutler for their quaterbacking needs. Now the analysts talked about this for a month now, projecting Browns, Bucs, Titans, even Detroit. It seems that Mr. Jerry Anglo (bears GM) has ninjaed everyone on this deal. NO ONE suspected. Granted, the Team had a bad QB situation for at least a decade, but THIS! This news have been chewed over and over for the last 24 hours. Here's my little take on it. The Bears get Culter. One of the most promising QB right now. 26 years old, already a Pro-bowler, with a gun for a hand. However, he's got a reputation of being a primadonna. With a defensively dominating team this might not cut it. There are also a lack of good recievinig cor...