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A time well spent

I have been remiss in my blogging and I am sorry. I have been busy with life and temporarily lost interest in sharing anything. It happens with me occasionally, brief and rare episodes of not caring about anything but just taking care of family and everyday tasks. 

We've also went to Mexico for a week, which was needed by the adult members of the family. Both me and The Awesome Wife have been working without a vacation for a fairly long time and work load was pretty big. Naturally in February we've decided to drop everything in May and spend at least a week swimming in pools, enjoying the beach and spend as little time as possible not doing anything useful or meaningful.

Last year we went to Cancun, to one of the all expense resorts and it worked out pretty well. This year we've done absolutely the same, changing only the resort.

The resort was huge. Basically somebody cleared up a huge piece of the jungle and said: "This is going to be hotel." From the lobby of the hotel to the beach it takes one 10 minutes of brisk walking, which brings me to a small negative about the hotel. Last year, when we stopped at a different resort, we've had ocean everywhere. We could see it from the room, from the pool, from the bar (it had one of those infinity pools). This resort is deep in the jungle. You can't see the ocean, or smell the ocean when you get on the balcony or swim in the pool. It's small thing, but still very important to us. We've grown up with belief that ocean and sea water and air have healing powers, and deep down we still believe it.

The food was plentiful and delicious, however there was much less seafood available than I would expect from a Mexican resort, I would say almost none. Once in a restaurant I was brought a lobster the size of my femur. Anyway, that's not important.

I shouldn't stop writing to do work, my train of thought is now officially lost.

Well, anyway. The weather was absolutely beautiful. There was hardly any clouds or rain during our stay. The pools were large and clean. We spent the mornings on the beach and afternoons by the pools. The ocean was not calm, and I am not sure that it ever is. The waves were pretty big throughout our stay, and the girls preferred not to get to close to the ocean. We did manage to do a dip or two, but most of our water time was spent in the pool and by the pool's bar. Maya wanted to jump in the wave pool all the time and we obliged that when we could.

Oh, yeah. There were those animals, called coaties by the locals. They swamr the resrt during lunch hours hopuing for a morsel from the stupid humans who should know better. The animal is like a racoon and a lemur had a wild Mexican fiesta.

I personally did some reading, preferring to read A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. Why would anybody read on quantum physics and space-time while lying on the beach I don't know. It just seems that it has been a long time since I read something other than pulp.

There was also another morning tradition that me and my wife started. Every day the resort hosted an air-gun shooting competition. At the range there usually assembled a group of characters, men and women, who took their turns shooting at the targets. On the first  day that my wife took up that gun she took the first place in the women's competition, she never fired before in her life. I did horribly that day, but I redeemed myself and won the first place the next day. We have the targets to prove it.

Overall it was a good vacation, even if I don't describe it that way. We've rested, kids had fun, even though one of them won't remember a thing.

We are going to New York again in couple of weeks. Looking forward to that.


Ilya said…
Good to hear you had a great time!

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