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Music meme

Saw this on Jason's blog, and couldn't resist duoing a music meme.

1.What are you listening to right now?
For the last couple of years I find music distracting while at work. I don't know why.

2.What song(s) make(s) you sad?
I don't listen music to feel sad, or listen to music that would make me sad. Maybe it's sad by itself.

3.What is the most annoying song in the world?
"Beautiful" by James Blunt. Guhd what an annoying song.

4.Your all-time favorite band?
AC/DC. Very simple, does not matter lead by Bon Scott or Brian Johnson. Their style of rock appeals to me.

5.Your newly discovered band is?
I don't have one. I rarely listen to anything new. Can't find what appeals to me. Axis of Awesome is interesting.

6.Best female voice?
Tarja Turunen of late Nightwish. That girl has a set of lungs on her.

7.Best male voice?
Tough to say. Ronnie James Dio, Freddy Mercury, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Kipelov (from a Russian metal band I like), Bill Medley and Bobby Hatfield of Righteous Brothers - take your pick.

8.Music type you find yourself listening to most?
I do mostly Rock-n-Roll of old, no new Emo stuff. Heavy Metal, stylings of old Blues Masters, and house or jam bands.

9.What do you listen to, to hype you up?
"Thunderstruck", something heavy along the lines of Kamelot or Aria or Sonata Arctica.

10.What do you listen to when you want to calm down?
No why would I want to do that. If I want to calm down I don't listen to music :)

11.Last gig/concert you went to?
20 Years of Nautilus Pompilius last month.

12.Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?
Still AC/DC, but I do like Rammstein recently.

13.Most hated band?
I am not sure I have one, or I haven't listened to them yet.

14.Song that makes you think?
Ain't That a Kick in the Head. Take a guess what I'm thinking?

15.Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?
AC/DC, although I am pretty sure they are loved enough.

16.Coolest music video?
There was a Russian band Nol' (Zero, Null) that did a clip for their ganja smoking song Idu Kuryu (Walking, Smoking).

Here's the link if you are curious.

17.Music video with the most babe watch?
I would agree with Jason about any ZZ Top video, or maybe Scorpions.

18.What do you play/would you play in the bedroom to spice things up?
I am afraid I'd start singing, that would certainly ruin the mood.

19.Can you play a musical instrument?
No. I did play Accordeon and drums in school bands.

20.Ever been in a mosh pit?
No. What's the point? How can one enjoy music there?

21.Are you in a band?

22.Ever dated a musician?
No. Would I want too? No.

23.Do you wish yourself that you were a musician?

24.Best chick band you know of?
Ashamedly I don't know any.

25.Last song that you heard on the radio/CD/etc.?
I think it was Green Onions by Booker T and MGs when I turned off the car.

26.What do you think of classical music?
I like some. I used to listen to LaCampanella by Paganini a lot. But mostly I prefer classical music that's been transformed to Rock instruments.

27.What do you think of country music?

28.What do you think of death metal?
I don't like it at all. Somekind of musicality is a requirment for me of any band performer. Death Metal does not come close. BTW Ozzy is not Death Metal.

29.Last BIG band that you saw live?
Stones couple of years ago in Concert. I maybe going to see Iron Meiden this year.

30.Are you a groupie?
No. Don't have the required length legs, nor required size boobs.

31.Do you listen to music in foreign languages?
Yes. Well, Russian is not really foreign. But I have listen to Europe greats like Joe Dassin, Toto Cutugno, Adriano Chelentano (probably spelling them wrong as well). Plus, there is always Rammstein.

32.What famous musician would you like to [enjoy carnal relations with]?
Jon Bon Jovi. Oh, wait.

33.Worst concert moment?
A fight at the Nautilus concert we went to.

34.Funny concert moment?
A dude puffing a joint at Depeche Mode concert, only to be shown the badge by a dude sitting right behind him.

35.Sad concert moment?

36.Best local act you can think of?
Von Freeman. I wonder if he's still alive and playing at Andy's Jazz club.

37.If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
Contrabass, love the bass in Jazz.

38.Do you listen to the radio?

39.Do you watch music TV?
I get to watch VH1's top 20 once in a while. I also enjoy their Best 100 Things of whatever.

40.Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?
Not really. What are they based on anyways? Sales? I don't care about that.

41.Have you met any famous musicians?
Nope, not really.

42.Are any of your friends/family/etc. musicians?
I have a good friend who is a sax player.

43.Song that best describes your feelings right now?
"Big Balls"

44.Song that describes your life?
I am not sure if I can pinpoint one. I usually listen to music, I try not to identify with it. But "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" by Dean Martin comes close.

45.Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?
Acutally no, most of the times I just know the leading men.

46.Does a musician’s physical attractiveness play a role in the music that you listen to?
Hardly, most of the music I listen to is made by some ugly bastards. Mick Jagger anyone?

47.What famous musician do you want to marry?
Yeah, thanks but no thanks.

48.Favorite movie soundtrack?
"Pulp Fiction" and "Swingers".

49.Any musician pet hates?
I think Bono is highly overrated.

50.What do your parents listen to?
I don't know. I rarely heard my parents listening to anything. Maybe Russian bards.

51.What are you listening to right NOW?
Dean Martin "Mambo Italiano".

52.Do you wear band T-shirts?
I have one AC/DC tea-shirt. But I prefer my shirts with Star Wars on them

53.Do you cook to music?
Sometimes, often enough we listen to music when having dinner.

54.Do you sing in the toilet?
I sing in the shower and that's all you need to know.


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