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My brain is hibernating

Damn, it's cold.

As I started driving to work it was -4F on the car thermometer. As I getting farther north (I drive about 25 miles one-way) it was getting colder and colder. By the time I got to Libertyville it was a crispy -8F. They said on the radio the windchill added like -10F or -15F making it a nice -25F.

Fun stuff. Unfortunately I had to put gas in my car. So the operation went like this. I jumped out, fumbling for the wallet. I should have taken it out before I opened the door. Started pumping, and ran like hell inside to get a cup o' Joe.

I waited there until I was 100% certain that the pumping has stopped. And ran like hell back to the car.

And I am dressed warmly. Remember:

"It's not that the Russians don't feel cold, it's that they dress warmly!"

On a lighter note, I absolutely love playing Wii. All I have now is Wii Sports and Wii Play. I am planning to get Tiger Woods of course. Bowling is fun, although for the life of me I never played the game, and I don't get the scoring rules (need to read up). Golf is cutesy, and so is tennis. Baseball is fun, but extremely difficult from the hitting point of view.

My family is kind of enjoying this. My wife was never into video games of any kind, although she seemed to enjoy a bit of family fun. My 4-year-Old seemed to enjoy pitching in Baseball more than anything simply because it's easier and she is able to do pirouettes of sorts while doing that. She is not much on trying harder and perseverance. I don't even know how to cultivate those things in her.


mattw said…
Left work last night and it was about -14 in Deerfield, not counting the wind. Of course my car didn't want to start on the first try.

This morning I stopped to get gas. It was about -17 out. In the five minutes it took me to get gas and a Pepsi, the engine's temperature had dropped by about half.

We got a Wii last summer and it's a lot of fun. The Lego games (Star Wars, Batman, Indiana Jones) are fun and funny, even for adults.
I played the Legos on PSP(loved Starwars, a bit more cool about the Indiana Jones and Batman, I think production values and execution were worse)
Anonymous said…
Tiger Woods is pretty difficult - my golfing husband lost interest. The graphics and courses were gorgeous, though! You might try renting it to see if you want to buy it.

We are also huge Rock Band and Guitar Hero fans, although the initial investment is steep. Since you like hard rock/heavy metal they might be fun for you.
Welcome, Jeri!

I love the whole Woods franchise, so difficulty be damned.

Do you have to buy a guitar controller to play Guitar Hero?

I am going to wait on it :) My wife wants Fit. and that's exaclt what I've been trying to buy these couple of weeks.

Nobody has them, one has to hunt for it, like the ancients did.

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