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Showing posts from December, 2009

Staycation II

We have altered our Downtown tradition of going to Andy's Jazz club by going to Blue Chicago Bar. God! The Blues was awesome! There was this old geezer byt name of Linsey Alexander who played a mean blues guitar. He was later joined by a lady whose name I didn't memorize, shamefully, but she had a set of pipes on her that would put to shame a lot of stars. Unfortunately I was feeling very tired after a day of shopping and a lousy night of sleep, so we had to leave just after about an hour. Still great evening of music. This actually shows that while I am very selective about blues music, I prefer it live and raw.


We've decided to take a break from it all, and removed ourselves from the suburbs to the city of Chicago for two nights. Thank God for grandparents willing to sacrifice themselves to the noble cause of child sitting. Tonight we are hitting Chicago Theater for a Banana Schpiel performance. We wanted to get to Andy's for a special Jazz performance, but the tickets were sold out. Anywho, sometimes you have to rest before the New Year hits you full force in the face.

A weekend at the movies

What is a jewish boy to do on a Christmas day? Of course take his child and go to the movies. Me and the 5 Year Old went to see A Princess and the Frog. Surprisingly it's a good movie, well drawn and colorful. Very little gimmiks, a lot of jazz and dixie music. Vey funny characters and very little "Disneyee" things. I think killing off one of the characters was too much for a little kid to take in, but they have spun it nicely. Anyway, it was a very enjoyable affair, espcially to go with your kid. Tomorrow I am going to see Avatar with my wife.

Jason's Child of TV meme.

Thank you Mr. Bennion for this meme. Now I have been a victim of American televison for only a short period of time, less than 20 years actully. But I do watch a lot of television, always have and always will (unless they invent a technology where I can beam programming directly into my brain). Without further delay, with some notes if a show is worthy of such: Bold if I've seen the at least 3 episodes. Italics if I am pretty sure I watched every single one. •24 - Never got around to watch it. •7th Heaven •ALF • Alias - Jack Bristow is the best super-spy there is, and an excellent father figure. Plus, Jenny Garner. •American Gothic •America’s Next Top Model - I know it might be shovinistic to the extreme, but whats not to like about a show with pretty girls, often enough in bikinis. •Angel •Arrested Development • Babylon 5 - Yes, I have seen all the episodes. I still occasionaly do on Hulu. • Batman: The Animated Series • Battlestar Galactica (the old one) - I did watch the rer...

Cold and sloppy weekends

Luckily Chicago has a lot of things to do in the Holiday season. I always wondered what Holiday season would be like if there was no Christmas and only lets say Chanukha. We usually compile a list of things we'd love to do with our kids, or at least with those who can appreciate them. This weekend we did two things. We went to the Botanic Gardens to see their annual Winter Express train exhibition. It's always a lot of fun to watch the trains whiz by. In the evening we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo (something we've tried to do couple couple of times) to watch the lights. It's actually a really good time, I don't know if it's annual or not, but they had Ice Sculptures there. You could actually see a dude with a chain saw cutting up large chunks of ice into works of art. What can be more fun? Anyways, we are going to try to get to the Navy Pier's Winter Wonderfest this weekend.

Snowing II

Well, the temperatures stayed aboved freezing overnight, so all of that snow turned into a slush. There are no 6 to 8 inches, and only one more inch has been promised so far. I am at the office, and working.

Back from the weekend trip

Went to New York to visit family. I haven't seen certain members of it for almost 3 years. I took the 5 Year Old With Me, on my first father-daughter only trip. I think she had a lot of fun playing with her cousins. We did get to visit New York on sunday. Introduced the 5 Year Old to the Rockefeller center tree, and showed her the Times Square. I think she was more impressed with the pretzel we got from the street vendor, and the entrance to the Subway. On the way back it was my first time flying the very small jet. I don't remember the manufacturer (not Boeing or MD) but it seated two on one side and one on another. BTW considering price/service Continental is taking a place above United or AA for me.

First step to fixing a problem is admitting it..

Hi, my name is Konstantin and I have a problem. I think I am an information junkie. I Love to fly, but everytime I have to do it I go overboard with planning on how to entertain myself. I have this unreasonable fear that I will be bored while flying. Can't explain it. I usually take my trusty PSP with me. It's full of games, and a couple of movies, a book, often enough an iPod. Sometimes when I need internet access I take my laptop with me, which is always full of movies or shows I want to see . The reality of the matter is I never run out. I don't read as much as I thought I would be, or finishing the game takes longer when I imagined. Still I have this mind numbing fear that I might get bored. Ridiculous isn't it?