I have spent a wonderfull if a bit tiring weekend in New Jersey, visiting family. My little niece who I have not seen yet, at 4 months is absolutely beautiful. My eldest niece, who turned 16 last week has grown so much into a young woman, it's hard for me to abandon the fact, that she is not a little monkey anymore. The middle one is such a sweetheart, taking her time entertaining my own 6 yeard old. Everytime I leave I miss them all terribly and always look forward the next time I can see them all. And of course it's always good to see my brother and my sister in law, and my own mom and dad. We don't see each other too often, and these visits however fun are short always have me battling melancholy for weeks after I come back to my own loving family.
If I could organize my thoughts, this is not what it would look like.